I guess I'll probably make these side project updates on Wednesdays every couple of weeks or so, that seems like a decent timeframe for me to get something done that's worth sharing. This and last week I've mostly focused on getting some initial concept art going, enjoy:
And while I haven't produced anything worthy of showing on the programming side since last time, I've still anvanced on that frot too. Most importantly: I finally wrapped my head around how to properly use classes! In particular sub classes.
I just had the hardest time internatlising the ins and out of that concept for some reason. I kept watching tutorials explaining the use and importance of them, but I'd always come out of it with "I don't get why I would do that. Also, I forgot everything already.". Until I started running into more and more structural problems with my explorative code ventures, and I shouted to the heavens "There's got to be a better way!". Then I happened to rewatch one of the tutorials about subclasses and I went "Oh. Well. That solves everything."
So yeah, still having a pretty good time learning stuff, haven't hit a wall yet. And I've drawn the comforting conclusion that any concept that I feel like I just can't understand no matter how much I try will open up to me once I encounter a problem that I can't solve without it. Because at that point I'll have a personal experience with the conundrum at hand, rather than just some hypothetical tutorial example involving customer databases or whatnot. Or cars. Whenever a programming tutorial uses cars in their examples I lose all ability to comprehend anything.
That's all for this time! Next update will probably be sometime in January, I doubt I'll make a post between christmas and yew years since I'll be at my parents'.